At the March club meeting a motion was passed to create a can to collect change at
each club meeting. Stan Olsen dressed up a coffee can with a coin slot in the lid to collect the change as members come
into the meetings. The collection can is considered part of a "perpetual fundraising" event. What this means is,
when club members and parents come to the club meetings they can donate any or all of the spare change that is currently in their
pocket to the club.
Another part of the perpetual fundraising was approved at the April club meeting.
This includes members collecting and bringing to the monthly meetings soda cans and plastic bottles for recycle. Stan
has agreed to take the recycle goods to the appopriate recyclers to be exchanged for cash. The cash is then included
in the perpetual fundraiser can.
Hopefully, we can generate enough "spare change" to cover the cost of animal bedding
material for our club at the county fair. Maybe, there will be enough spare change to do more.... ?
So, when you get to the monthly meetings, check your pockets!! And if you have
a few cents to donate it will be put to good use by the club. Look for the can by the door!!!